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Romans 8:2, "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."

This morning, there are many that do not understand the exact nature of the purpose that Christ had when He left the portals of glory to come to this sin cursed earth. Many suppose (due to their reasoning or the influence of others) that His purpose was to offer Himself to man for eternal salvation. Many believe that it takes a choice on man's part to be housed in heaven and immortal glory for all eternity. However, there is something intrinsic about man's position before the sacrifice of Christ that makes it necessary that the redemption have an equal but opposite intrinsic quality as well.

There are many different laws in existence today.  Most of the laws on record are laws of action and consequence. If the law is transgressed, the penalty is served. This was the nature of the Mosaic Law (talked about in Romans 8:3). However, there is another law that works whether man makes choices or not. The law of gravity works whether man wants it to or not. If a man says that he does not believe in the law of gravity, and therefore, will jump off a building, he is going to fall to the earth anyway.  This law affects those in the realm of that law no matter what they say. Likewise, the laws referred to in the verse above are laws with this same intrinsic property. Look at the law of sin and death. It is carried out on every one of Adam's race that is born into this world. Every child that is born is a sinner by nature, and will soon shew forth that quality.  Also, the end result of the life of man is that he will die due to the wages of sin. This is something that man can deny all he wants to, but the fact remains that he is a sinner, will continue to sin, and will one day die as a result of that sin. Now, if this law works regardless of man's decisions, then the law of redemption (Spirit of life in Christ Jesus) must work the exact SAME WAY IN THE OPPOSITE


Did any of us choose to be sinners by nature? Did any of us choose our parents? The answer is no in both cases, so of necessity, the answer must be no to the following two questions. Did any of us choose to be righteous? Did any of us choose God as our Father to be born into His family? I did not choose my parents. I did not choose God to be my Father. In both cases, I was passive. God our Father chose us as His children. Therefore, I did not choose to be born into a state of sin and death. Likewise, I did not choose to be in a state of righteousness before God. These laws MUST work the same way in opposite directions. Adam plunged us into the miry clay, and Jesus Christ raised us not only out of it but also as high above it as we were under it. That is the meaning of receiving double for all of our sins. (Isaiah 40:2) Indeed, He is so very good to us, and may we ever be found praising Him for His goodness and not trying to claim some of it for ourselves.Button back to previous

In Hope,

Bro Philip