Psalm 111:9, "He
sent redemption unto his people: he
hath commanded his covenant for
ever: holy and
reverend is his name."
This morning, man wittingly and
unwittingly tries to
rob God of His glory and honour.
Many even of the
religious world today are like
the Pharisees of old
that loved to have men call
after them, "Rabbi,
rabbi." It is in man's fallen
nature to take delight
in the praises of men. It is in
man's wicked person
to glory in himself. To these
things, the LORD will
repay, and He has not, does not,
and will not share
His glory with another.
When considering this verse, it
is really no wonder
why mortal man would try to wear
a name of God since
he tries to take credit for the
other portion of the
verse as well. Not long ago, I
heard a man on the
radio proclaim, "I saved over
500 people last year,
and next year I will save over
1000." He considered
himself to be the author of
their eternal salvation.
He considered himself to be the
one that brought
redemption and commanded the
covenant forever.
Therefore, it should not be a
surprise when he tried
to wear the title Reverend as
well. God plainly
declares that HE does it ALL in
regards to redemption.
He plainly declares that His
covenants are ordered in all things and sure, and all His promises are in Him
yea and amen.
He plainly declares that HE is
the one that sitteth
upon the circle of the earth and
is from everlasting
to everlasting.
God does all of these things.
right has man to boast? What
right has man to glory?
If it is not in the LORD, the
things that He has done,
and the things that He will yet
do, it is for naught
and not worth the boast and the
glory. There was a
time when I thought I was the
strongest and bravest at
everything. I used to convince
myself that some
effort on my part could out-do
anyone else. That
notion is folly, and it comes
from the vanity and
pride of the flesh. It does not
take long for the
flesh to start failing. It does
not take long for man
to HAVE to realize that he is a
fading, decaying,
dying creature.
However, from the
time that we are
vitally born into the family of
God, we can glory in
something that does not fade,
decay, or die. These
are the things of God.
Therefore, who is reverend?
Whose name is to be honoured and
glorified? Is it
Abraham, Moses, Aaron, David,
Samuel, Isaiah,
Jeremiah, John the Baptist,
Peter, or Paul? All of
these were but men. However,
there was and is One
that was more than man. He was
man and God, and I am
convinced that He still is. He
is Holy and Reverend,
and to Him be all the honour,
glory, and praise
forever. AMEN
In Hope,
Bro Philip