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Morning ThoughtsButton back to previous

Matthew 25:14-15, "For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey."

This morning, this parable of the talents is still vital to us as the Lord's church. The church is composed of people who have various gifts, talents, and abilities that were given them by God for the use of His praise in His house and service. Notice that the man gave the talents and are to be used for His glory and not the user's.

Many people become envious and covetous of other men's talents and abilities. This past weekend, we conversed with some brethren about the fact that most church problems and divisions occurred over preacher jealousy. The point of the parable is NOT how many talents each man received. The point is what was done with what was given. The man that gained two from his two talents was told the same thing (one word difference) by the
master as the one that gained five from five.  

In fact, I firmly believe that had the man that was given one talent gained one talent more, he would have also received the same commendation from the master as well. Some people say that they cannot carry a tune, and they are not technically accomplished in singing. If you sing with grace and melody in your heart, then you are utilizing your talent and making more in the Lord's kingdom.  

Some people say that they are not the best speakers and have not been given the proper education to bring things in proper English. If you preach the Word in season and out of season with all longsuffering and charity, then you are swinging your sword as a proper soldier and polishing that talent and making more in the Lord's kingdom. May we ever say how thankful we are for what the Lord has given to us, and never begrudge our brethren and say to the Master when we give account, "Lord here is thy pound." He has given us much this morning and much is required of us.Button back to previous

In Hope,

Bro Philip