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John 10:29, "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all: and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."

This morning, it is indeed unfortunate that so many of God's children cannot see and rejoice in the knowledge of the finished work of Christ. Since we are legally redeemed, there is no power or will that can pry us from that condition. What is legal with God must of necessity be a reality with us. There is no way in heaven, earth, or under the earth that Christ died for anyone that will not be in heaven some sweet day. All for whom are legally redeemed in Christ must be in heaven. There are only two schools of thought about the work on Calvary: 1.) All that Christ died for will be in heaven, 2.) Not all that Christ died for will be in heaven. For these two schools, there can be only two conclusions drawn: 1.) Christ is a victorious Redeemer, 2.) He failed in His attempt. It is clear in Scripture that the first case is the only one worth believing.

In this passage our Lord is talking of the work of eternal redemption. He clearly states that He has eternal life under consideration. He talks about sheep (His people), and their blessed state in Him in the Father. Now, from the context, it would be very easy to mis-read this verse. One could easily read the verse, "My Father which gave them 'to' me."  However, the verse says, "My Father which gave them me." It is indeed true that the Father chose us for His Son and gave us to Christ. However, this verse talks of the Father giving Christ Himself to us! This is the most wonderful gift that has ever or will ever be given. 

During a season where it is traditional to buy gifts for our loved ones, nothing that we could do or give compares to this gift. Let us consider the nature of a gift. A gift belongs to someone the moment that the giver purposes to do so. A gift does NOT start belonging to someone at the moment of utilization. Consider someone depositing a million dollars into your bank account. The money is yours whether you ever use it or not. So, how does one measure eternal life? The gift, through Christ, is ours whether we enjoy the knowledge and happiness of it in this life or not.  Our Father gave us His Son! What a gift! For our rags and ashes, He gave us beauty and oil. Those that think the emphasis of John 3:16 is on the belief have missed the concept of the verse completely. The emphasis is on the love that God displayed by giving His Son freely to His people. Everything that is Christ's is ours. We are His joint-heirs.

 Now, consider the alternative. Had our Father given us His Son to accept or reject, what would have been the ultimate outcome? I would have to say that I am a universalist at that point. We are all bound for the regions of hell and doom if it is up to us. But, thanks be unto God that we have been given Christ and not even our own backsliding will keep us from His love. Is there a more beautiful and blessed story this morning? Someone just yesterday asked me, "If there is nothing to do, what is the point of living and doing things?" What a sad state to be in! If one is blessed to see that all has been done, Paul said that this makes someone careful to maintain good works. In the bank account illustration, if you discover what has been done on your behalf, you (by the good conscience that God put within you) try to live a life of gratitude for the gift bestowed. There is much purpose to live and shew forth the treasure within these earthen vessels.Button back to previous

In Hope,

Bro Philip