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Esther 4:14, "For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" 

This morning, there are many things that occur that can only be attributed to the providence of God. Things happen that are beyond our comprehension and the only thing worth saying is, "The Lord carried us through that situation." The book of Esther never mentions the name of the LORD one time, but His providence is evident throughout the entire book. So, whether people mention the Lord's name or not, He works and does whatsoever He pleases without our permission or advice. 

Here Mordecai tells Esther (the queen) that she needs to beseech the king to save her people (Jews). Wicked Haman has purposed to destroy the Jews from the land, and this purpose would kill Esther as well. Mordecai mentions the providence of this situation by saying that she might have been raised to her current position for this time. Sometimes in our lives, we do not understand at the time for what reason that we find ourselves in a certain place, but the Lord, by providence, shows that there was indeed a purpose for that circumstance. The LORD put Esther in a position to save her people from this evil intention. Mordecai also admits to the fact that the Jews could be delivered by another avenue if she abstained from her duty. However, her condition would still be the worse for her abstinence.   

Indeed, the same holds true today. We may abstain from doing what the Lord requires us to do, but He can and does still do His purpose even when we fall short. If Esther had not determined to rescue the Jews in the land, the Lord still had the ability to rescue them. However, that does not give her excuse not to. Absoluters will say, "The Lord will do it, so you needn't worry about it." The LORD does ALL His pleasure, but He still puts us in certain situations with conditions that we do the things that are pleasing in His sight. He does not give us talents to bury them in the earth. He gives us talents to make more in His service. 

The LORD did not raise Esther to the position of queen to watch as the Jews were destroyed. Likewise, the LORD does not regenerate us to sit and do nothing. Can the Lord still work without us? Certainly! Is that an excuse? Certainly not! The Lord does all His pleasure, but man has responsibility to live in such a way to shew forth the glory and praise of the One who has blessed him. But, Esther does her duty in beseeching the king for her people. The king raises his golden sceptre for her, and he grants her request.  

We ought always to approach before our King, and He has promised to raise His golden sceptre for us. Our Redeemer is the One that has made that peace for us. We can come boldly before His throne. We have peace with God, and therefore, we need not be negligent in approaching Him in all things. There are times that "ye have not because ye ask not." In my situation, I find that I have not beseeched Him nearly as I ought, but I am thankful that He is still merciful to His servants in spite of themselves.

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In Hope,

Bro Philip