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Acts 15:11, "But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they."

This morning, there is one concept that is very misunderstood. That concept is grace. We are told that grace and works do not mix. If it is of works, then it is no more of grace and vice versa. However, many people are out trying to mix their works with grace. Many times folks ask me what the difference is between Primitive Baptists and "Regular" Baptists? My most common response is, "We believe in salvation by grace, and they believe in salvation by works, eternally speaking." That statement brings howls and discussions, "But you don't understand, we do believe in salvation by grace." Then, after some discussion, it is easy to distinguish that they do not have a proper hold on the concept of grace in their minds.

Here, the Apostle Peter is addressing one of the first problems that ever plagued the early church.  Many of the Jews in the church were enforcing the service of circumcision on the Gentiles after they had received the gospel and joined themselves to the Lord's church. The apostles and elders in Jerusalem met together to address this issue, and Peter here is trying to resolve it. This verse concludes the thought of his speaking by saying that circumcision is not the answer, just as the Old Testament law was not either.  Rather, the only way that man is saved is by the grace of God. That is it plus NOTHING! Whether Jew or Gentile bond or free, there is only one way in which a man is saved, and that man has no choice in the
matter. This is the concept of grace.  

The best definition of grace I have ever heard explained is by the acronym G.R.A.C.E. It means God's Riches At Christ's Expense. Grace is the blessing of a home in heaven (God's Riches), and the way that we enjoy it is by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross of Calvary (Christ's Expense). If you add anything to that, then you are crucifying the Son of God afresh and putting Him to an open shame. Every deed that someone adds as necessary for eternal salvation is another way of saying, "Jesus, we appreciate what you did, but we'll take it from here and finish it for you." Either one believes that Christ told the truth when He declared, "It is finished," or one does not. That is the difference between grace and works. Whether one is circumcised or not, all of God's children will get there solely on the righteousness of Christ and the justification by His blood and GRACE. What a wonderful blessing it is to know about God's grace, and may we ever pray that He would continue this blessing upon us and continue to reveal this and other truths to babes in Christ.

In Hope,

Bro Philip
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