I Peter 5:2-3,
"Feed the flock of God which is among
you, taking the oversight
thereof, not by constraint,
but willingly: not for filthy
lucre, but of a ready
mind; Neither as being lords
over God's heritage, but
being ensamples to the flock." Peter also gives the groundwork for correction. It is not shaking a finger at the congregation, yelling at the top of your voice, or telling them how rotten and worthless they are. Rather, it is being a good ensample, and showing them how to conduct themselves. As undershepherds to the flock, we should try to emulate the OverShepherd and His behavior. We should attempt to lead by example, rather than whipping the flock to get them where we think that they should be. Finally, we should have a ready mind. The flock is going to ask questions from time to time, and we should always be ready to try to answer their questions to the best of our ability. They may ask a question that we think they should already know the answer to, but we should never act as if they are beneath us. They are entrusted to the watchcare of the angel (or pastor) of the church, and the Lord requires that His stewards be found faithful.