I Corinthians 14:40, "Let all things be done decently and in order." Paul is here admonishing a church that has gross errors in it. They have problems with doctrine, fornication, idolatry, and order in their churches. They have turned the communion supper into a drunken feast. Paul has spent roughly 5-6 chapters talking about the conduct that one should have in the service of the Lord. He concludes chapter 14 with a summation of what he has been talking about. In the house of the Lord, do all things decently and in order. I believe that for our service to be fruitful and edifying, we must do ALL things decently and in order. To be decent and in order, one must be willing not to be the center of attention. We must esteem each other higher than we esteem ourselves. Being decent and orderly requires that we conduct ourselves in a manner becoming of the saints. Paul admonished Timothy on how to behave himself in the church. My dad once said that one of the biggest compliments he ever received was when someone said, "Your children sure do act differently at church than they do at home." At church, we do not play with toys. At church, we do not run around the aisles or buildings. Are these things acceptable at home? Most certainly, for Solomon said that there is a time and place for different things. Church is a time for a behavioral transformation. We should most certainly behave ourselves wherever we are, but the Lord's house requires a higher standard than anything else. While there, we should dress better, act better, and speak better than we do anywhere else. This is NOT for show. This is giving the Lord the best that we have.