Right Tools - Wrong Tools
Certainly with any task that we hope to
accomplish we must have the proper tools. Just try pulling a nail from a
board with a screwdriver, or installing a pipe fitting with a claw
hammer. Needless to say you will probably encounter many difficulties.
The same principle applies when approaching the study of the Bible. The
resources we draw from, or the tools we choose to use are critical to
the accomplishment of the task to be performed. So it is important that
we choose the right tools for the job. Now I know there is a prevailing
thought in the religious world today that we need lots of handy study
aids to help us understand the Bible. I hope if you think this, you can
overcome it. Most likely it could prove to be a stumbling block to your
Christian growth if you do not confine yourself in the initial stages of
your growth to just a few tools. In the previous three chapters we have
discussed the spiritual resources necessary to begin your Bible study.
So now we need to discuss the material resources that we need. I believe
there are only three needed.
Now when my children were younger and they wanted to join in on a
construction project I had going, I had to stop and consider their
individual experience level. My oldest boy could use a power saw under
supervision. My younger son I would task with using the measuring tape,
understanding that he could get seriously injured by using the power
saw. Both tasks were critical in order to get the job done right, but
one required less experience than the other.
If we were to think about this in relation to our spiritual
experience, we can see for an inexperienced Christian we need to start
out with something that is on his or her experience level. Recognizing
this, I would not suggest we give a new convert a copy of Gill's Body of
Divinity, or a book which was a debate on the atonement for example. If
we were to do so then we could cause damage. The idea for study is to
build us up in the word of God, not to damage. I cannot stress enough
how important it is for us to lay a solid and proper foundation in God's
word FIRST. And I believe that one of the keys to accomplish this is to
limit the resource materials we use until we become grounded in what the
Bible says. There is so much confusion in the world today. I feel that
one of the reasons is that people do not become grounded in the word of
God before they begin to take up resources for their study that will
influence them to believe a particular denomination's system of belief.
Even as much as I or anyone else believes they have the truth concerning
the word of God, the fact remains that there are many cults among us in
the world today that seek to lead us away from what the Bible teaches.
In this writing you are now reading I am not intending to teach you what
my particular church believes, but rather to steer you to lay your
foundation for your Christian knowledge upon the word of God and not the
doctrines and commandments of men. Now no one is going to come to you
and say, "we believe in the doctrines and commandments of men." Just as
the devil does not come to you and say. "I am the devil. Serve me." But
when he comes, he comes pretending to be good and right for
He is a master counterfeiter. And he can transform himself into an
angel of light. That is why it is so necessary to know for yourself what
the Bible teaches, so when you see or hear something you can know for a
certainty that it is either true or false (see 1 John 4:1-6 & Isaiah
Once the time comes that you have been grounded in the word of God
you may desire to look into other resources and the writings of men to
supplement your Bible study. But one may ask, how do I know when I am
ready to begin to use these other writings in
studies? I think once you have been in the Bible alone for a good
season, at least a year of reading every day, and you become comfortable
with it and feel that you DO NOT NEED other writings then you are
probably ready.
I have seen young Christians who were approached with these things
in the beginning and it usually resulted in their falling away from the
church. Now this is not the only reason this happens, but it is one.
When we begin to read God's word under the direction of God's Holy
Spirit some wonderful things begin to happen to us. The Bible comes
alive to us. As the Spirit of God begins to lead our everyday lives we
will find that our new Christian experience will be described by the
Bible. In other words, instead of just having a head knowledge of what
the Bible says, we begin to have an experimental knowledge. The Bible
and our experience line up. It is one thing to be lead and influenced by
the Holy Spirit. It is quite another to be led by men. This is another
reason why it is so important to get grounded in the Bible alone at
But it may be when you read other writings, what they say does not
line up with your experience. This should sound an alarm inside of us.
It does not matter to me how much your pastor or preacher may say
that it is OK to read these works in the beginning. If they are
attempting to please God then they will agree with what I am saying here
and will agree that it is right and safe. But if they are afraid that by
you reading the Bible alone, you will discover their system does not
line up with God's word, then it is better that you find it out NOW,
rather than remaining under a false system. This is a challenge to all
who read this.
I hope that no one mistakes the spirit in which I write this. I
have a great desire for God's children to walk as closely to The Lord as
possible in this lifetime. And the method I am advocating is one way to
ensure that God's children are less likely to be duped or deceived by
many of the false teachers in the land today.
Let's hear the Bible on the matter;
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished
unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The word "perfect" as used in this text means "mature" or
"complete." It does not mean sinless. So here we see testimony that the
Bible alone is sufficient to meet all our needs so we are completely and
throughly furnished or fitted for ALL good
As the subject we have been discussing may seem to be unpopular
with the worldly religions, even so will the next one find out those
people who have been taught differently. Please bear with me and
prayerfully consider what I am saying.
Now as far as materials are concerned, the first thing you will
need is a King James Bible. Yes, I did say a King James Bible. Though
there are many in the denominations of the world that prefer other
translations, I am convinced that the King James is more reliable and
closer to the original text than any other now in existence. At last
count there were about 200 different books on the market which all claim
to be God's inspired word. How are we to know which one is right?
The King James version of the Bible was written in A.D. 1611. Then
personal opinions and prejudices were not as ably communicated as they
are today. Now I did not say there were not any personal opinions in
that day, but they were not as readily passed along as they are today.
You will find the King James is the accepted version among all the
English-speaking bodies in the world. And it is still the top-selling
translation the world over as the number one all time best seller. So
why do people want a different version?
You will find if you do some research that right around the time
when the industrial age began to blossom, things started to change. Once
the wireless telegraph and the telephone came on the scene in American
life, people were better equipped to more rapidly communicate. About
this time is when folks began to think maybe we should update or improve
God's word. The idea may have been to make it easier to understand. The
same reason is mentioned to justify today's counterfeit versions. The
fact of the matter is, if God does not open the understanding of His
word to us, then trying to make the Bible read like a "Jane and Dick"
book which we read in first grade will not help the cause. They simply
miss the point. People do not want to humble themselves before God and
want to force the word of God to align with their own system rather than
letting the word of God mold their lives and beliefs.
The first few "new" versions made their appearance around the turn
of the century. At this point in time we find that radio, television and
satellite communications improved man's ability to reach the four
corners of the earth, and that the number of versions has sky rocketed.
Usually when talking with folks about these versions they will say
something like, "this version just took out some of the thee's and
thou's and brings the language up to date," but as each new version is
introduced it just changes a few seemingly
things. After this takes place a few times, by degrees the word is
reduced to something other than what God intended and is no longer "the
word." Listen to what God has to say about this:
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the
prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall
add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man
shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall
take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city,
and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation 22:18-19
This is written at the end of the Bible as a warning to those who
want to add or take away from God's word. I suggest we leave it be, and
preach and teach what it says regardless of the popular opinions of man.
So we see that if the devil cannot stop us from reading God's word,
then he will guide us to a counterfeit version, and he has accomplished
his job to deceive us.
Now think of the confusion there must be when a man preaches from
one version and the members of the congregation are reading from ten
different versions. That is like saying:
"Those of you on the front row turn to page eighty-four in your
song books. Those in back turn to page twenty-one, and those in the
balcony turn to page fifteen, and those in the middle section turn to
page ninety-nine. Now everyone ready--sing."
Can you imagine? I wonder how many people leave their church
confused or feel that they did not get anything from the service? Can
allowing so many different so-called Bibles be good for the church? Does
it promote unity? Should not everyone be on the same sheet of music (so
to speak)? We all need to speak the same things.
Hopefully you can see the importance of having a King James Bible.
And if the issue of understanding it arises, then remember unless God
shows it to you, no matter how the language is broken down, you will not
see the truth (see Luke 24:44-45 & John 6:45).
There are some good chain reference Bibles on the market today
(King James versions) which will be helpful in your studies. With these
you need to understand that not every verse you are referred to
necessarily deals with the same subject you are reading about. Some of
the references are what the publisher may think is an associated verse.
Most of the time they are reliable, but not always.
A note is necessary here about the italic words you will see in
your King James Bible. These words were supplied by the translators in
order for the text to flow.
You will find they do not harm the context of the verse. They are
amazingly consistent with the context. So they have been italicized in
order to let you know which words they are.
Next you will find a need for a good concordance. I personally
prefer Strong's exhaustive concordance. This is a useful tool in several
Say for instance you can not remember where a verse of scripture is
located, but you can remember the words. Take the concordance and look
up the word that is the least common word from the verse you want to
find. The concordance will show you everywhere that particular word is
used everywhere throughout the Bible. It will show you chapter and
verse. Try not to use a word like "God" when searching because the word
"God" appears approximately 4,444 times in the Bible. It would take a
long time to find your verse using a word that is used so much
throughout the Bible. So try to use the word from the verse you want
that is the least common word and your search will go much faster.
You can also use the concordance to assist your subject study. Say
for instance you want to study the subject of "grace." You simply look
up the word "grace" in the concordance and it will show you all the
Bible references to the word "grace." In time you will learn associated
words and subjects to particular
subjects such as grace.
You will find that Strong's concordance will use the first letter
of the word you are looking for (in part) in every verse. This partial
sentence will help you identify the verse you are looking for. To the
right of the partial verse you will find a number such as "435." This is
part of Strong's key system. Pay careful attention to where the verse is
in the Bible, whether in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Then,
using the number at the right of the verse, you may turn either to the
Hebrew dictionary for the Old Testament verses, or to the Greek
dictionary for the New Testament verses. The dictionaries are in the
back of the concordance. Make sure you are in the right one, or it can
become confusing right away. Once you have found the number in the
proper dictionary it will tell you the word meaning, its root, etc. You
will find this to be very helpful in your word and subject study. So do
not take for granted the word meanings. Many times they will surprise
you. As modern-day language may use the same word that is found in the
King James, many times the word is used differently by us in the modern
day. But we want to know what God means by the word rather than its
modern day usage.
For instance I earlier pointed out the word "perfect." The use of
the word today is often thought to mean "sinless," when in the Bible it
means "mature" or "complete." So do not take anything for granted.
The third resource you will need is a notebook to take notes while
you are studying. It helps some people who like to commit a verse to
memory. Writing things down helps in remembering, whether for memory
commitment or future reference. I personally record most of my notes on
my computer. This allows me to store literally millions of bytes of
information in a small space. Let me make a comment about computer
Bibles here. I have a King James Bible installed on my computer. It can
be helpful when I am preparing an article or for searching for certain
phrases or words. It also has the capability of a concordance. It can do
what a manual concordance can not do. A regular concordance will only
let me use one word at a time. But with a computer concordance I can
narrow my search time way down. I can use up to ten words and it will
search it out in a matter of a few seconds. A search that would take me
days with a regular concordance will only take a few minutes with a
computer concordance. Keep in mind that even with a computer Bible the
screen can appear blank if you do not ask and rely upon God's help.
I never intended for any of these things to come across in a
negative light. Yet if we deal with reality we must admit many things in
this life are of a negative nature. And we would be found to be
unfaithful if we did not deal with these issues. So that brings me to
the last thing we need to briefly discuss before we bring this chapter
to a close. As we have discussed some things that we do need to help in
Bible study, there is
one more we do not need, and that is the T.V. or radio evangelist. Until
such a time as you are grounded in God's word, leave them alone, period.
My experience with stations that run religious programs back to back, is
that it is rare when any two will agree. More often the end result will
be confusion. The same is true on the radio. If we are young in the
faith it may result in us being carried about by every wind of doctrine
(see Hebrews 13:9 & Ephesians 4:14). Once we become established we will
be able to pick the meat off the bones and throw away that which is not
any good, as the saying
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine
own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct
thy paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6 |